Shewa Basaznew(Ass.Prof)
Dean, College of Social Science
Welcome to College of Social Science and Humanities!!
College of Social Science and Humanities is one of the seven colleges under Assosa University. The college was established to play its role in fulfilling the mission of Assosa University. The college has both mission and the vision to produce qualified human power through offering quality education by qualified academicians. Besides, the values of the college include- Cooperation, honesty, integrity, respect and tolerance.
The college of Social Science and Humanities was established while the university began its official work in 2004 E.C. The departments under the college during the establishment of the college were English Language and Literature, Geography and Environmental Studies, Civics and Ethical Education, Sociology and Psychology. With the high demands of the community the number of departments under the college has increased to seven where Journalism and communication, and Mother Tongue departments are the newly launched ones since 2013 E/C. Moreover, three new departments-Political sciences, Philosophy and Geography and Information System (GIS) will be launched soon. Hopefully, this broadens student’s opportunities of joining college of Social Science and Humanities in ten departments within this academic year In addition, Continuous and Distance Education Program (CDEP), Quality Assurance, Research and Community Service, Gender coordinating offices and English Language Improvement Centre (ELIC) were the offices established while the university has started running its regular work at its outset. Currently, the number of Coordinating offices have increased to six (6) where the former Research and Community Service Coordinating office has been splited into two independent offices-Research and Technology Transfer and Community Industry Linkage coordinating offices by now.
Human resource-Teachers Profile
The college runs its regular activities with 96 academic staffs and 10 administrative staffs. 67 academic staffs are currently on job while 29 of them are on study leave. Female academic staffs count 24.4 percent of the academic staffs. The academic ranks of the staff is as follows :nine (9) of them are Assistant Professors, seven(7) of them are PhD holders, four (4) of them are Assistant Lectures, six (6) of them are Graduate Assistant- II, two (2) of them are Graduaduate Assistant-I and thirty nine (39) of them are Lectures.
Programs running under the college
The college has run three different programs in under graduate and graduate studies in regular, weekend and summer modalities.
Regular, week-end and Summer Students under college of Social Science and Humanities-students profile
Recently, there are 970 students under the college pursuing their first degree undertaking different specializations. 152 third year, 226 second year and 573 first year students-who have not yet joined their preferred departments or areas of specialization.
There has been 257 week end students pursuing their first degree programs under college of Social Science and Humanities, off which 146 are male students and 112, are females. Besides to regular and week end programs, the college committedly runs the summer program as of other sister colleges of Assosa University beginning from its establishment as higher public university. Many of on job students have been attended their first degree in summer programing as per the legislation. And also, Post graduate program has been started last year with 22 students from English Language and Literature (6 Males& 2 females) and Geography and Environment Study Department (11 males& 3 females) for the first time. Meanwhile, the college has finished its preparation to wel-come regular post graduate students in both aforementioned departments irrespective of some natural challenges.
Finally, the college contributes its part in taking lions share with regard to research and community services activities. Projects or research based projects and community services are under taking in a good manner, in a better speed than what the college had before.